Marri Morrison writes:
“This video comes from an Heritage Lottery Funded Archaeology Project, based on some of Erskine Beveridge’s descriptions of key North Uist sites.
The exhibition was shown in the Museum at Taigh Chearsabhagh, Lochmaddy throughout 2017-8 The outreach education team of volunteers from Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath, worked with teachers and children from all three primary schools in Uist and we researched the history and folklore attached to the sites.
The children enacted and narrated their research for an installation by St Andrews University to accompany an exhibition about Beveridge These should have been filmed as pieces of movement at the actual sites, but the weather was so ferocious on the day the St Andrews team came that they had to pose for stills, the opposite of what had been rehearsed, back in school!”