Màiri Morrison is currently taking part in the Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath’s fundraising Walking for Wellbeing programme. Màiri’s aim is to do 50 cailleach miles over 4 weeks, and she’s also been writing a haiku every day. Here’s a sample of the poems:

grey contours define
cloud, rock, ocean, horizon,
shadows conspiring

Lingay of the ruins,
mythical, floating isle,
ewes, alert sentinels

wind in our faces
wrinkling these indifferent waves
whiffs of dung and earth

tombstones standing tall
silhouetted ensemble
ancestors converse

haikus in my head
trudging in black storm and rain
footstep syllables

aconite faces
saffron earth stars, nod to spring
speak of better days

if you lose your way
follow the lore of sheep tracks
treading moor and time

voices put you on hold
can’t be bothered, robotic
never return, cut you off

trodden drover’s ways
echo plod of weary hooves
bed down under stars

 a cross, quickly scratched
does not disturb this relic
poised, grey and lichened

lined in black, on rock
alert, silent choristers
oyster-catchers squat

 There is also a diary of Màiri’s walk on the CEUT facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/CE.Uibhist.a.Tuath


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