Our AGM  will Be Held in Taigh Chearsabhagh on Friday 26th April 2024.

We are really excited to have the architect  Mary Arnold Forster come and talk to us about her work and her publication ALDER MAGASINE before our meeting. 
ALL ARE WELCOME  so please spread the word and invite friends and family. 

We will kick off at 6.30pm , but please feel free to arrive from 6.15pm  onwards. 

There will be refreshments and we will hold the AGM after Mary’s talk 

Mary is also bringing a collection of photographs from the first two issues of Alder that will form a “pop-up” exhibition in Taigh Chearsabhagh for a couple of days. 

“Alder is as much about landscape, patterns of life, materials, colours and politics as it is about singular buildings or art objects. It’s a record of new work by individuals who engage seriously with place and tradition to better understand what’s necessary and possible – rather than as ornament or adornment.”